In a small New England town, one of the few places in America where young people are once again playing organized baseball on community fields, an old man; a veteran, proudly stares at the unfurled stars and stripes and with a tear in his eye sings our national anthem along with the recorded version being piped over the loud speaker.
In a parking lot within a bedroom community outlying Portland, Oregon a young woman sees a soldier walking to her car and alters her path to intersect with the soldier’s, extends her hand and offers her sincere thanks for the soldier’s service to our country.
In a fast food drive-through in Hamilton, Ohio a father of three notices that the car behind him contains four servicemen. He preemptively pays for their meals and drives away before they are aware of his kindness and generosity.
These three proud Americans heroes have little in common except for their love of our country, our freedoms and our flag.