“Never allow your adversary to underestimate what you would do in response to a challenge. Never tell him in advance what you would not do.”- Richard M. Nixon
Now, in 2025, Donald Trump has returned to the presidency, something that has not been done since 1893. The Democrats attempted several times to “weaponize” the law, to put Donald Trump behind bars where he could not be a threat to them. Obviously, their plan didn’t work. Weaponizing the law isn’t new. People who were not in favor of our government’s leaders have been prosecuted for some time, with black citizens who were prosecuted in the South just one of the more morally reprehensible examples of weaponizing.
Speaking of morals, one might take some time and examine just what kind of people were in positions of power to decide that prosecuting Trump for crimes that had no victims was a good idea. Selective enforcement has been a characteristic of the law of the United States for some time now. Unfortunately, even though a conviction was won, no punishment was meted out. It might not be out of the question, at some time in the future, for a jury foreman to announce to the judge that while the jury would favor a conviction, since the prosecution failed to identify a victim, the verdict is innocence.
According to Politifact, “70 million Americans have a criminal record, that’s one in three adults.” While that is a staggering number, it is not true that one in three adults has a criminal conviction. To put it without the hyperbole, “The FBI considers anyone who has been arrested
on a felony charge to have a criminal record, even if the arrest did not lead to a conviction. The FBI only counts those with a misdemeanor if a state agency asks the bureau to keep it on file.”
Shoplifting in California became so bad that they have raised the sentences of those convicted of shoplifting. While billionaires game the system escaping taxes, the less-wealthy citizens will face fines they cannot afford and jail time, especially if they cannot afford expensive lawyers who can find loopholes to exonerate them.

Speaking of exoneration, President Biden, in one of, if not his last presidential act, has issued pardons to all of his family, just in case someone (who might that be?) in the government decides to prosecute them. I have been wrong before, but it would not surprise me if people appointed by President Trump bring charges against government employees; those same employees, by what I am sure is just coincidence, who participated in the Trump prosecutions. If you look hard enough, you can find charges for anyone.
It is not that the legal system has been weaponized, the U.S. legal system was weaponized decades ago. It is just more noticeable now. Politicians and prosecutors have long been familiar bedfellows, along with country club memberships, private societies, and in circles who involve the working class only to the extent that they mop the floors and wash the dishes. In the meantime, the legal and legislative classes will waste taxpayer time and money trading punches instead of serving their constituents.
The nonprofit MoveIndigo urges wealthy Democrats to relocate, and provides services as to where the relocated liberals can have the most impact; that is, on the Republicans, of course. I’m pretty sure Vermont isn’t one of the states on their list. The early communists established “cells” within the populations that they targeted, and deposited the revolutionaries so that they would have propagandists among the citizens. The said propagandists would encourage their fellow citizens to politically move towards a communist government. Upon reading the article in The Wall Street Journal, I thought I was in one of my radical political science classes all over again. Make sure and have a deep discussion with those new neighbors; they might be apparatchik of the New Left.