Kookaburras are terrestrial Tree Kingfishers. Image credit: Warren Carlton

Got Loneliness? Get Nature Fix

SAN FRANCISCO, 26 January – Almost 114 million Americans suffer from loneliness. Yet, there’s a free cure awaiting them outside their front doors.

Spending 20 minutes each day in nature i.e., your yard, local greenspace, community forest, river walkway, beach shoreline, desertscape or anywhere in the wild erases that feeling of emptiness or neglectfulness, whilst boosting your mental health, cognitive function and lowering stress.

The sounds of water running, waves lapping, wind rustling, birds singing, frogs chorusing and bees buzzing are a salubrious tonic.

Shut your personal device down. Revel in silence. Take a walk. Clear your mind. Look around at the little things that run the natural world. Listen. Smell. Touch. Breathe to the bottom of your lungs. Stay in one spot for several moments. Smile. Rejuvenate.

The first week of the 47th President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has been devastating for the climate and Mother Earth. His fascist Project 25 blueprints are not only calculated to hurry the climate catastrophe, the Sixth Mass Extinction (including speeding up vessels to wipe out the last 350 critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whales) and the poison crisis; but also, break your spirit and make you feel lonesome and helpless.

Don’t get depressed, get active.

Consider joining a direct-action conservation group to help defend the animals and their irreplaceable homes. Or, becoming an animal carer by volunteering at your local animal shelter. Invite your children to accompany you. Like-minded Mother-loving people are your community.

In point of fact, there are millions of Americans and many other millions worldwide who love Mother Earth.

WE outnumber these mean dark forces in spades. So, let’s band together and save our Mother.

And it all starts with taking a 20-minute nature walk that welcomes curiosity, eggs on wonder and leads into bliss — our highest humanly vibration.

There is an important reason why my tagline is Illegitimi non carborundum. The maxim originated from the British Intelligence of 1939 when the Nazi’s were mowing through the British professional army. Morale was at an all-time low and needed to be buoyed up quickly. The future of the free world was dangling by a thread of spider’s silk.

Courageous intrepid leaders like Sir Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle, and many millions of heroic men and women of all ages, banded together, sacrificed and died to save our world from evil monsters.

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Today, new breeds of monsters are assaulting Mother Earth, the likes of which have never occurred since Homo sapiens first began walking the earth some 200,000 years ago.

Sociopathic consumption, clearing native forests for wood pellets and palm oil, rampant animal agriculture, ocean-emptying fisheries, catastrophic mining (on land and under the sea) and subsidised fossil fuel extraction are generating four new billionaires weekly (2773 billionaires and counting). Insatiable greed is the bitter end of our civilisation, and the Animal and Plant Kingdoms.

Unbridled growth is accelerating the demand for more subsidised fossil fuels, wood pellets and palm oil. It’s driving planetary heat (including 6-month ocean floor heatwaves) to the hottest mark in 125,000 years.

The world’s governments have largely abandoned their citizens. Essentially, venal governments have handed the ‘jewel in the crown’, Mother’s remaining wilderness, to the planet-annihilators, billionaire oligarchs. Our living breathing planet is boring into the eyes of an accelerating Agonising Age.

We must refuse to succumb to the anguish of these tyrannical bully bastards. Eschew materialism and consumerism. Reject flying unless crucial. Snub billionaire-owned products by not buying them. Instead, buy local. Patronise local farmer’s markets. Join the resistance. Encourage and support the Youthful Moral Army.

The despots, oligarchs, corporations (with personhood rights), bankers, asset fund managers, timber barons, palm oilers, ocean floor obliterators and loathsome fossil fuel tycoons are in for the fight of their lives.

Lakota Leader Crazy Horse. Image credit: Wikipedia

Let our Mother’s motto – once again be – ‘Don’t let the bastards grind you down’. We must never surrender – Hoka Hey!

© 2025 Reese Halter
Illegitimi non carborundum
(Don’t let the bastards grind you down.)

Reese Halter is a bees/trees/seas defender.
Unearthly Wails is a special edition, a collection of poetry
illustrated by renowned Ojibwa artist Terry McCue.
Email: HalterBooks@gmail.com to order

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