British Columbia’s Canine Bloodbath

So far this year, British Columbia has slaughtered 248 wolves bringing the nine-year running total to 8084 gruesome canine deaths. The provincial government has committed to razing its old-growth native forests and subsidising five liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipelines as well as two LNG outake ports.

Sorrowfully, the wolves are but a mere encumbrance to British Columbia’s planet-destroying wood pellet and fossil fuel commerce. So, in order for Big Forestry, Big Fracking Gas and Big Coal to hasten the Sixth Mass Extinction and cook the planet alive, the wolves are being exterminated by bounty hunters with military-grade sniper rifles on snowmobiles and helicopters, and by torturous steel-jawed leg-hold traps. It’s a grotesque excruciating bloodbath. In their infinite wisdom, three British Columbian premiers: Christy Clark, John Horgan, David Eby, respectively, doled out $10M (and counting) to sociopathic wolf hunters.

As a result of their gross negligence, British Columbia’s native forests will forgo stockpiling many millions of tons of carbon minus the wolves to protect the trees from moose, caribou, deer and other herbivore browsers. The government repudiates the importance of protecting all self-organised networks of cooperative biological communities within native forests, and all wildlife therein, as a frontline defence against worsening climate storms.

Moreover, British Columbia’s endangered, old-growth dependent caribou populations, 54 herds, will plummet due to habitat and wolf losses. Incidentally, wolves keep caribou herds fit by culling sick and weak beasts.

Here’s what YOU can do to help our co-evolutionary partners, and brothers and sisters, the wolves: Support Pacific Wild, dogged wolf defenders. Refuse to patronise tourism or conduct any business in the province of British Columbia. Embrace the joy of common-sense frugal living with salubrious whole food, plant-based diets. Do not go quietly into this Agonising Age!

© 2024 Reese Halter

Agitate. Disrupt. Defend.

Reese Halter is a bees/trees/seas defender.
Unearthly Wails is a special edition, a collection of poetry
illustrated by renowned Ojibwa artist Terry McCue.
Email: to order

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