
British Columbia’s Canine Bloodbath

So far this year, British Columbia has slaughtered 248 wolves bringing the nine-year running total to 8084 gruesome canine deaths. The provincial government has committed to razing its old-growth native forests and subsidising five liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipelines as well as two LNG outake ports.

Sorrowfully, the wolves are but a mere encumbrance to British Columbia’s planet-destroying wood pellet and fossil fuel commerce. So, in order for Big Forestry, Big Fracking Gas and Big Coal to hasten the Sixth Mass Extinction and cook the planet alive, the wolves are being exterminated by bounty hunters with military-grade sniper rifles on snowmobiles and helicopters, and by torturous steel-jawed leg-hold traps. It’s a grotesque excruciating bloodbath. In their infinite wisdom, three British Columbian premiers: Christy Clark, John Horgan, David Eby, respectively, doled out $10M (and counting) to sociopathic wolf hunters.

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Princess Little Mary Mayhem

Unforgive us for we know!
Four legged friends’ co-evolvers,
You guided hunted protected us,
We turned dreadfully evilhearted.
Holier-than-thou learned hatred greed meanness.

We careened shockingly unmerciful,
‘Twasn’t oil trillion subsidies enough?
Matricide Athabasca MacKenzie naphthenic benzene tarred rivers,
Parks delisted boreal temples’ years steamed three hundred fifty degrees.
Tyrannical Jason Kenney, Premier Alberta,
Savagely eradicating wolfly kin.

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Ode to Idaho’s 1500 Wondrous Wolves

Keepers of rivers, waterways and
cathedrals of splendor –
O, how we of earth honor Ye and
Gitche Manitou!

Shepherd of sacred balance:
elk, beavers, trout, sturgeons,
grizzlies, wolverines, rattlesnakes,
eagles, ravens, hummingbirds,
worms, butterflies, bees.

Earthmen pay homage to thee.

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Age of Extinction: Cowardly Hunters Massacre 200 Wisconsin Wolves

Many people loathe trophy hunters. Hunters have sullied the word ‘conservation’ and wreaked horrible pain and suffering upon the animal kingdom. Moreover, these worthless planet-killers are hastening the man-driven Sixth Mass Extinction.

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The Trump administration inflicted tremendous damage on Mother Earthnational monumentsold-growth-forests and our brethren and sistren, the animals. See The Gen Z Emergency for gory details.

Since 1933, wolves have been persecuted in the United States. Forty-seven years ago the Endangered Species Act saved the gray wolves in the lower 48 states from extinction.

killing wolves
Wolves have two layers of fur, an undercoat and a top coat, which allow them to survive in temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In warmer weather they flatten their fur to keep cool.
Image credit: Public News Service
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