Image Credit: Economist

Progressive Political Peregrination

America has always been a land of opportunity; especially for people of other nations who, through no fault of their own, had no other opportunities. As Bill Murray described in the movie “Stripes” about Americans: “We’re still a nation of loyal, sometimes lovable mutts whose forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world.” 

Some of us were taken captive and shipped across the Atlantic against our will to become slaves. It took a while, and a bloody war, but slavery was declared illegal. As bad as life in America may be, we are free to leave, or travel to another state to make a new life for ourselves. The fact that we are a democracy means we can alter our government (within the confines of our Constitution) to make things better for ourselves and our families.

Historically, migration from within the United States is nothing new. From the move west in early American history to the move north from the Old South to the northern factories of the Great Migration, seeking better economic opportunities has always been a trait of American citizens. At some point in time, (1960s and 1970s) the counter-culture hippies realized that they could, if enough of them moved to a designated state, they could democratically take over a state and make it a hippie paradise. Naturally, well-populated states such as New York, Pennsylvania, and others weren’t targeted. There were some states, though, with small populations, that would be a perfect state for the hippies to move to, and establish their commune farms, legalize the drugs that they took, and democratically “take over” and make the state a “hippie state.”

So from what state do you do you think pro-socialist, super-liberal Bernie Sanders is from? Why, from the state to where the hippies moved and established their communes as well as other liberal policies. To quote the Associated Press: “Aside from peace signs and food cooperatives, the 1970s influx of longhaired youth to Vermont brought experimental communes to the hillsides and social activism, as well as drug use and fears of a hippie invasion.”

Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders

One would think that Bernie Sanders would come from super-liberal California, but no, he’s from hippie-infested Vermont. Bernie was born in Brooklyn New York and lived on a kibbutz in Israel before he moved to Vermont. His first political office was mayor of Burlington Vermont in 1981, an office he won by only twelve votes.

The hippies took Vermont, at least enough to get a socialist mayor of Burlington. The ultra-liberals of California have  made the state government’s handouts into a multi-billion-dollar deficit. From the AP May 10, 2024: “This is the second year in a row the nation’s most populous state is facing a multibillion-dollar shortfall. State revenues have continued to fall amid increasing inflation and a slowdown in the state’s usually robust technology industry.” But not satiated with the ultra-liberal policies and government handouts that have made California the “trend-setter” state, (for example, making gasoline-powered car illegal to sell by 2035) some of the Californicators have declared that some of the other “red” states (meaning Republican states) will need to be “converted” as well. How will that happen?

The California liberals have devised a plan to spread their ideology to Republican states. Now, I do not know if they ever read the communist theorists about how to do this, but their “plan” is straight out of the communist playbook. Quoting The Wall Street Journal of August 16, 2024: “Millions of Americans have relocated from blue to red states since 2020. As Californians flee their state in record numbers, often bound for Nevada, Arizona or Texas, the slogan ‘Don’t California my Texas’ has become common. It expresses the fear that transplants will vote as they did in their original liberal enclaves, inflicting the same damaging policies on the conservative areas to which they’ve moved.

Image Credit: Virginia Tech University

It’s unknown what partisan effect, if any, America’s transplants will have on November’s election. But a left-wing nonprofit called MoveIndigo is trying to ensure that some transplants bring California-type politics with them.

MovIndigo encourages Democratic flight to swing districts with Republican congressmen, often in swing states. Its goal is to ‘reset the balance of our country’ and elect a more ‘representative’ government.”

The nonprofit MoveIndigo urges wealthy Democrats to relocate, and provides services as to where the relocated liberals can have the most impact; that is, on the Republicans, of course. I’m pretty sure Vermont isn’t one of the states on their list. The early communists established “cells” within the populations that they targeted, and deposited the revolutionaries so that they would have propagandists among the citizens. The said propagandists would encourage their fellow citizens to politically move towards a communist government. Upon reading the article in The Wall Street Journal, I thought I was in one of my radical political science classes all over again. Make sure and have a deep discussion with those new neighbors; they might be apparatchik of the New Left.

Jeffrey Neil Jackson

Jeffrey Neil Jackson is an
Educator & Literary Mercenary

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