With 100,000 troops on the Ukraine border, Vladimir Putin (whatever his title) is playing a very dangerous game. Putin wants the Ukraine. His Russia is not enough for him. Like any power-hungry autocrat, the largest country on the globe is not enough. Putin doesn’t want to “liberate” Ukraine; he wants to enslave it, although he will put any conflict in terms of a “liberation.” He will also explain any conflict as being Ukraine started by the Ukraine, even though the Ukraine has no interest in attacking Russia.
Keep ReadingBattle with the Bureaucrats
“After all, the chief business of the American people is business” is a quote from Calvin Coolidge in 1925. From 2016 to 2020 America had a president who was primarily a businessman. While many politicians would see the presidency as their ultimate achievement, there are plenty of politicians who will never attain that office, for various reasons. It seems that someone with only a business background and no political experience would have no chance of winning the office of the presidency. Yet, in 2016, we elected a president who had never held public office before.
When faced with a pandemic of enormous proportion, in nine months, the president via Operation Warp Speed motivated public officials and the private sector to concentrate their efforts and created two vaccines, in a speed that will go down in history. Not that the president will be remembered for that, though. In 2020 the American stock market roared back, to heights that exceeded Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom, while home sales and automobile sales swelled.
Voter Tendencies
One non-mention among us is why some whites voted and will continue to vote for Trump due to their concern of being replaced in authority and status by nonwhites, a fear Trump stoked then and now. The embedded level of the hierarchy is a part of our history. The US Calvary overran the American Indians, our constitutional founders dismissed women and blacks, our textbooks left out acts of heroism by minorities, and financial restrictions slowed nonwhite attainment of power positions to where we are now.
President Lyndon B. Johnson said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best-colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” Several voters recognized their economic circumstances and foresaw their survival interests as maintaining their perceived level of social-financial status among nonwhites.
Fear of dominant decline among white men is what Trump manipulated to the forefront of insecurity symphonized by a political platform that minorities were taking jobs away from whites; immigrants were rapists and drug runners. The imminence of the replacement of whites by nonwhites stood as a social disadvantage of being left behind. The handwriting on the wall to substantiate their unwarranted fear and create weight on their minds was the government’s documentation of the growing demographic change.
Choosing Sides
*Brit Hume, former Washington Bureau Chief for Fox News Network, once said that it’s no longer a simple matter of our country being divided, but it is now more that each side sees the other side as something that is evil, that must be stopped. If you were to repeat this assessment to a good handful of people you will find that most all of them will 100% agree with it. That is saying a whole lot.
It is of paramount importance, then, that we find determinants as to which side is, in fact, the evil side, which side has among them the malevolent and nefarious forces among all of us. To that end, we must expose some cold, hard, ugly truths. And let’s be clear, it’s not that all people on any side are of evil, very surely not, and so those who are not bad actors will feel angry that the sinister people within their ideological leanings are revealed.
Rather than feeling anger, though, it’s preferable that such real truths be understood for what they are, and to also understand that a visceral negative reaction to truth is unhealthy, and on the wrong side.
Truth is truth. Keep Reading
BOSTON — The opening ceremonies of the 23rd Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea begin Thursday night. In theory, the Games serve as a refuge from the geopolitical environment of the times. Nations put aside their conflicts and disagreements for what is supposed to be a peaceful and civil celebration of sport and competition.
The reality is that this is rarely true. From Jesse Owens defying Hitler at the 1929 Games in Berlin to American sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos defiantly raising their fists in protest at the Mexico City Games of 1968 to the deadly Israeli hostage crisis at the 1972 Games in Munich, the Games have always been tinged with politics.
This year’s Olympic Games will be no different. The issue most obviously underpinning the whole Games is the escalating tensions between North Korea and South Korea (and their allies), which is only further exacerbated by the Games being held on the Korean peninsula. In the weeks and months leading up to the Games, it has often felt like a ‘two steps forward, one step back’ kind of situation between the two conflicted nations.
WASHINGTON — In Slanted’s first ever video interview, Congressman Mike Grimm sits down with Manila Chan to discuss his political comeback, human trafficking and prostitution, Steve Bannon, the current political climate in Washington DC, Asian voters, and issues important to Brooklyn & Staten Island constituents.
Take a peek into the world of one of Capitol Hill’s most controversial figures in this candid one-on-one talk, as Grimm looks to take back his seat in 2018.
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