Sea Dumping, Really Australia?

Another rort!
Dumping carbon,
Undoing seabeds
Mother’s sacredness,
Planetary safeguarders.

Appeasing polluters
Fossil fuel corporations,
Sea dumpers,
Combustion greenwashers,
More subsidies
Largest wealthiest perpetrators,
Furnace fiends!

Five fattest fuellers:
British Petroleum
Twenty twenty-two to three,
Collectively pocket’d
Two hundred thirty-eight
Mother’s blood-money billions,
Calculating corporatocracies.

Oz Prime Minister
‘Frackin’ Albo’
Elected climate tackler,
Three new coal mines
One gargantuan frackin’ field,
Another Mother-loather
Greens governance gladly!

© 2023 Reese Halter
Refuse. Reduce. Repurpose

Reese Halter

Reese Halter is a bees/trees/seas defender.
Unearthly Wails is a special edition, a collection of poetry
illustrated by renowned Ojibwa artist Terry McCue.
Email: to order

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