Australia Greenlights Two More Giant Fracking Mines, Armageddon

ALICE SPRINGS – Are you fed-up with the worst, least qualified and most unscrupulous citizens, the world’s leaders, lying about reducing emissions and failing to address the climate emergency? 

Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison just greenlit two humongous fracking mines in the Northern Territory (NT) and Western Australia (WA). Morrison blatantly disregarded the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) warning that there can be NO more new coal, oil and gas extractions if we are to limit temperature increases to below the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees. 

Morrison’s most recent planetary destructive fracking decision followed on the heels of U.S. President Joe Biden’s move to auction off oil and gas leases across 32.4  million hectares (80M ac) of the Gulf of Mexico. Old boys business as usual.

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Eighty-three per cent of the Northern Territory (11X the size of England) is currently covered in exploration licenses for oil and gas. The majority of Aboringinal land could be polluted by fracking. Fracking only 2 kilometres (1.2mi) from schools and drinking water will cause cancer in children and poison anyone or thing that consumes the water within the fracked aquifer. Evil.

fracking in Australia
The areas on this map are called ‘tenements’. These are areas that governments have provided or are considering providing gas companies to look for and produce gas. Credit: Twitter

Those hideous facts didn’t prevent the Morrison government this week from giving the go-ahead in the Northern Territory to Empire Energy’s Beetaloo fracking mine, which equates to eight coal-fired plant emissions stoking an irreversible climate catastrophe. By the way, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Australia pays the fossil fuel industry $29B in subsidies each year. Ugh.

fracking in Australia
Credit: Australian Broadcasting Corporation

It doesn’t end there . . . Also this week, the feds gave the neighbouring state, WA, and Woodside Petroleum the thumbs-up for a $16.5B offshore Scarborough fracking assault. It’s the filthiest fossil fuel poisoning seizure in the nation and the latest subsidised infrastructure pipeline. Scarborough will add the equivalent of 15 coal-fired plants, analogous to the emissions of 20,000 jet aircrafts, every day, flying around the world for 25 consecutive years.

The fossil fuel and forestry industries along with the world’s leaders are spruiking “net-zero”. It is none other than an excuse to burn, pollute and fricassee our only home and all life therein. There are no man-made global operational facilities, each year, sucking many dozens of gigatons CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it within the earth. Already at 1.2 degrees our world is on fire. SOS.

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Mother Earth does have, on the other hand, nature’s climate solutions, which include awe-inspiring native and old-growth forests, wetlands, peatlands, grasslands, mangroves, sea grass meadows and Earth’s largest carbon storehouse, the ocean floors. All of these indispensable living systems that depend upon the animals must be protected, pronto (see The Gen Z Emergency).

fracking in Australia

Adding more combustion heat from burning the Gulf of MexicoBeetalooScarborough and many many dozens of thousands of other global fracking mines will abruptly shove the planet past 1.5 degrees and collapse the agricultural systems. We will starve to death.

The global economic system must immediately be uprooted. That means replacing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its cancerous unleashed economic growth with the Citizen Wellbeing Index (CWI) that seeks to improve citizens’ mental health, reduce child poverty, address the inequalities faced by Indigenous Peoples and all minorities, as well as safeguarding all nature’s climate solutions, rewilding and working with nature by producing NO pollution within a zero-combustion global economy.

fracking in Australia - Sea Shepherd joins Scarborough gas fight

Join our friends at Sea Shepherd Australia350.orgExtinction Rebellion, the Bob Brown FoundationFridays for Future and so many organisations in momentum-driven disobedient uprisings because it’s a do or die moment.

Continuing to sanction and subsidise more fossil fuels, wood pellets, and palm oil combustion along with building more pipelines translates into agony for all life forms, including eight billion “wise apes”.

Agitate. Disrupt. Defend.


Reese Halter

Reese Halter is a forest/ocean defender.
His latest book is GenZ Emergency.
Email: for your autographed copy.
In Australia, order from the Bob Brown Foundation by emailing:


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