Reese Halter

Atlantic Rainforest #SOS

South America’s other species-rich tropical assemblage, the Atlantic Rainforest, is in dire shape.

This priceless hotbed of life has mostly been razed, four out of every five trees are gone.

Five hundred years ago, this coastal and inland masterpiece was almost two times the area of New South Wales. The brunt of this remaining biome exists in Brazil (92%) with two slivers shared by Paraguay (6%) and Argentina (2%).

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Scorched Earth Clock

Hey Sleepwalkers
COP28 furnace goers!
Fossil fuel HEAT
Wreck’d Mother’s clock,
Seasonal untimedness,
Plants rousing
Four times faster,
Insect pollinators sleeping in.

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Fungal Fly Flings

Dead windowsill housefly,
Ghostly halo
Tiny white spores,
Death trap!
Insect invaded,
Brain co-opted
Highest perch possible,
Sporerific launching pad,
“Come one, come all,”
Delectable flies!

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Kith Kindness

Sea of Siracusa
Dolphin signall’d distress,
Carers Rossana/Enzo Maiorca
Traced twelve metres,
Gash’d fishery net,
Trapped kith freed!

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Congolese Cowboy Carnage

Critically endanger’d,
Marvellous masterpieces
Mother’s unnegotiables,
Sharks, rays!

Ocean fish keepers:
Long lifers
Slow low reproducers
Population regulators
Fitness instructors
Disease strong-armers,
Untouchable medicos!

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Fantabulous Forest Fungi

‘O mighty mushrooms,
Forest colonisers,
Temperature regulators,
Marvellous Ones!

Airborne spore tons
Cloud seeders,
Righteous rain-makers
Water table lifters,
Rainforest rejoicers!

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