The Grandest Cathedral

The air, the scents, the sounds, the scenery;
What more could there be?
A cry of an eagle,
A thrum of a hummingbird,
The mastery of a spider’s web.

Big old timeless rainforests, superlative architecture.
Defying human reproducibility above and below earth.
Makers of oxygen, water, soils, climate.
Treed matrices nourish animals, lands, seas.
Hallowed, venerable, indispensable.
Earthly unique.

Warriors gather, old-growth blockades, tree-sitters in situ.
The camaraderie. The grit. The privilege.
Youth meets wisdom. Honesty triumphs!
En garde fearful bankers, pension fund managers,
corporations, miners, palm oilers, timber barons.
Defending Mother Earth’s grandest cathedral.
Noble. Courageous. Righteous.


Reese Halter

Reese Halter is a bees/trees/seas defender.
His latest book is GenZ Emergency.
Email: for your autographed copy.
In Australia, order from the Bob Brown Foundation by emailing:


Going Vegan

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