Covid-19: The Chicken or the Egg


*What came first is debatable when asked about the chicken and the egg. However, when we ask what happened first, labor or corporations, the answer is labor.

The president has claimed, “I am facing the biggest decision of my life.” He is referring to getting people back to work as our economy has taken a big hit because of the pandemic. Many of us were not around during the Great Depression when people were out of work; there were food shortages, confusion, health risks, and more. None of us want to repeat that era. As Americans, we must support cautious and well thought out legislation on the mobilization of our economy.

Living in a Democracy claiming freedoms has been one of the many issues creating issues on our health care providers, enforcement, getting to solutions, and understanding the impact and meaning of a pandemic. The pandemic is the growth of an epidemic, which means a disease that quickly spreads.

Many Americans dismissed the information from the medical and scientific experts, accepted political misinformation, believed they were immune to contagion, blocked out the ease of travel from one place to the other, refused to abide by restrictions on their daily freedoms, or accepted what they heard the media. Concern for others and a lack of community has been lacking on a focus.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Dr. Sanjay Gupta suggested that healthy Americans should not be wearing masks because of the shortage of masks for healthcare providers. While it appears to be a remarkable statement, it lacked focus and observation. When a disease is spreading globally among every person in contact with the coronavirus and healthcare providers, the focus should have been prevention and containment.

Giving advice for the masses to follow was not a solution. Recommendations should have been given to the administration to fix the shortage of masks for our population urgently. Even today, the administration should be focusing on an oversupply of personal protection equipment (PPE) for global distribution. The most significant decision the president faces in enacting the Defense Production Act for this purpose.

…defend our country against the pandemic.  Protect Americans.


The administration, the Senate, the Congress, Republicans, Democrats lost focus with the $2 trillion emergency stimulus bill and the application by governors. Industries are to receive $500 billion in loans, while hospitals are to receive $100 billion. Andrew Yang is undeserving of a socialist label compared to the patrician pork. The exemption of liquor taxes is part of this inebriated bill. How does the stimulus money solve the pandemic, is the question to answer.

Wake up, legislators and citizens. The president signed the stimulus bill on March 27. Our intelligence agencies reported the outbreak of coronavirus in November 2019 with China and the World Health Organization reporting the epidemic in January. The most significant decision was and still is to defend our country against the pandemic. Protect Americans.

Parts of Asia restricted the spread of the virus and have set examples of having businesses mobilized through protocols. Most companies have forehead thermometers to check customers before entering, hand sanitizer and require its use before entry, supply their employees with masks and gloves, and sanitize their spaces for employee and customer security.

The priority for America is not the concern for corporations and getting people back to work out of concern for our economy, but to protect the health of workers providing service to our country. American labor created corporations. The critical demand for the short supply is there. The most significant decision is to provide the tools and PPE to every worker serving America and its economy. The lives of laborers come before corporate livelihood.

Capitalism survives on the breath of labor and profit from healthy workers.


Samuel C. Martinez, an author of
Systemic Evil, Mat Perez vs the FBI
retired after 26 years serving in domestic and
foreign Legal Attaché offices as an FBI agent

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