Sam Martinez

Git-R-Done, Not Quite

People are characterized by their actions more than their words. People have hidden agendas and different forms of communicating. Most underlings recognize when a boss or supervisors throws out a suggestion as simple as “the report will be helpful, it means “Git-R-done.”

Most agree with the premise that one is not guilty until proven guilty in court and each citizen’s entitlement to due process. Investigators know people found not guilty are guilty. The criminal trial of OJ comes to mind with technicalities, inaccurate testimony, judgment.

Officers, much like scientists, follow paths from events and witnesses seeking to prove or un-prove truth. Most investigators are happy to clear someone, as much as they are pleased to convict someone.

Trump and Bannon began their agenda with bigotry and distrust of persons, partisanship, and institutions. The Department of Justice (DOJ) nor the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) would be spared. Disbelief and doubt in State and Federal government institutions, judicial courts, governance, and the people honorably engaged with such institutions were quickly labeled “the swamp.”

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Voter Tendencies

One non-mention among us is why some whites voted and will continue to vote for Trump due to their concern of being replaced in authority and status by nonwhites, a fear Trump stoked then and now. The embedded level of the hierarchy is a part of our history. The US Calvary overran the American Indians, our constitutional founders dismissed women and blacks, our textbooks left out acts of heroism by minorities, and financial restrictions slowed nonwhite attainment of power positions to where we are now.    

President Lyndon B. Johnson

President Lyndon B. Johnson said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best-colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” Several voters recognized their economic circumstances and foresaw their survival interests as maintaining their perceived level of social-financial status among nonwhites.

Fear of dominant decline among white men is what Trump manipulated to the forefront of insecurity symphonized by a political platform that minorities were taking jobs away from whites; immigrants were rapists and drug runners. The imminence of the replacement of whites by nonwhites stood as a social disadvantage of being left behind. The handwriting on the wall to substantiate their unwarranted fear and create weight on their minds was the government’s documentation of the growing demographic change.

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Covid-19: The Chicken or the Egg


*What came first is debatable when asked about the chicken and the egg. However, when we ask what happened first, labor or corporations, the answer is labor.

The president has claimed, “I am facing the biggest decision of my life.” He is referring to getting people back to work as our economy has taken a big hit because of the pandemic. Many of us were not around during the Great Depression when people were out of work; there were food shortages, confusion, health risks, and more. None of us want to repeat that era. As Americans, we must support cautious and well thought out legislation on the mobilization of our economy.

Living in a Democracy claiming freedoms has been one of the many issues creating issues on our health care providers, enforcement, getting to solutions, and understanding the impact and meaning of a pandemic. Keep Reading

El Paso, Discrimination, & America – Sam I Am

*I am Sam Martinez, born a U.S. citizen of Mexican descent in El Paso, Texas. My father and mother were born in New Mexico and California, respectively in the 1920s. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in 1848, moved the U.S. border from as far north as Wyoming and Oregon, as far east as a portion of present-day Kansas, down to the Rio Grande, making tens of thousands of Mexicans into U.S. citizens.

Five generations on my father’s side were born in the New Mexico area once Mexico. My DNA indicates I am 70% of the Iberian Peninsula and Native American. The remaining percentage reflects nomadic survival from Africa, Europe, Polynesia, and Asia. The soup de jour resulted in brown skin I wear proudly.
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I Nor Anyone Else Is Your Self, I Am Self

*Reading the article titled, “A Message to Mayor Pete from a Latina Mama: “Don’t Force Your Sexual Ideology on Me and My Children,” by Ana Samuel created this response.

I was a bigot against LGBTQ persons to the point of being critical, being disgusted, and being angered. My being came from family, friends, religion, and readings. Now, I am embarrassed at myself for not following the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God of love. Believing LGBTQ is a choice, proves wrong scientifically or from the power, thought, and presence of God.

Why limit oneself to believe LGBTQ is a choice and not a choice of children born healthy, lacking body activity, having health conditions, developed mental issues, or missing body parts or functions? How was it my choice to be born with cells of what is considered normal or the choice of hermaphrodites to be born as they are? At conception, neither I nor anyone else had the opportunity to choose mental or physical capacity.

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Impeachment is a Process

*Our Founding Fathers lived through the wrongs of Europe and knew what they wanted for this country. No one is above the law or our Constitution. No one.

In 1999, part of the media and religious groups focused on Bill Clinton’s infidelity as justification for initiating (charging him) his impeachment. The House charged him with perjury and obstruction of justice. The Senate needed 67 votes to remove him ended up with only 50 and 45 votes to remove him from obstruction of justice and perjury respectively.

Under Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the sole power of initiating the process of impeachment. The House drafts the articles of impeachment of a President based on any charges of the constitutional standard of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

The Constitution’s Section 3 grants the Senate the sole power to bring to trial all impeachments and convicts or dismisses the charges based on the articles. It takes the concurrence of two-thirds’ of senators to convict and remove an official. To date, no president has been removed from office by impeachment and conviction.

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*Stealth marketing and masked political statements have made Roe v. Wade/Abortion a veiled issue in most elections. The pro-life, pro-choice debate never happened because of the distraction of money. Sure, there has been talking, yapping, yelling, arguing, but no debate.

Before reading any further, from one to 10 rate these factors according to values. Keep Reading

Constitutional Confrontation – Kaepernick’s Protest


*All men are created equal, and Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people to assemble peaceably, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  These parts of the Constitution appears to trouble many Americans.

We respond to our emotions sometimes more quickly than others. It is hard to do the right thing when you we not know what the right thing is. We do not want to impose on others what we do not wish for ourselves as universal law of the Golden Rule.

We learn to stand for the National Anthem from custom, not law. The formal standard has been; stand, remove hats and place your right hand over your heart. As eyes or television cameras scroll the coinurts or stadiums, persons are talking, holding their drinks, and wearing hats. Such lack of attention causes heartburn to the point of almost saying, “Hey Butthole, respect the flag, respect the anthem, respect those that fought for America. Take off your hat; aren’t you American?

The question answers itself. The buttholes may be visitors, not American. Colin Kaepernick, a black football player, is now accused of being un-American. With little attention to our Constitution, what has taken issue is the interpretation of those that have fought for our flag and respect for our national anthem.

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*The terrorist actions of 9/11/2001 are chronic and ever-present. We share a common duty to honor and remember those suffering through unimaginable death. Deeply distressing is that the hallowed annual readings throughout cities in America of victims have missing names and the count of souls has not come to an end.

This year’s Police Memorial Ceremony at the nation’s capital in May, chilled attendants from the announcement of the 2017 deceased local, state and federal officers fallen ill from toxic exposure at Ground Zero while saving lives, retrieving bodies, and securing evidence or vestiges; evidence our environment relates to our health.

Much like Hurricane Maria’s first reported 64 deaths in Puerto Rico to the number of 2,975, twenty-three New York City Police officers died at the World Trade Center on September 11, but in the last 17 years, 156 have perished from noxious illnesses. From the 343 firefighters that died on 9/11, there have been 182 more deaths reported. The FBI registers 15 additional FBI Agents that have died related to 9/11. The count at the Pentagon needs adjustment.

Pentagon September 11th memorial
Pentagon September 11th memorial

Rosa Maria (Rosemary) Chapa at age 64 had talked to her husband JJ about retirement yet like any other Tuesday, went to work at the Pentagon. Her office had recently moved to the renovated west side of the first floor, Office of the Comptroller for the Defense Intelligence Agency. Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda took her highly spirited, giving and determined life with 183 other souls, 59 were aboard American Airlines flight 77.

She left behind her husband, five children and her dog Lucky.

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Finicum’s Fable – who shot LaVoy?

*Having owned a 1965 and a 1967 Ford Mustang convertible and Ford celebrating 10 million Mustangs produced, I don’t understand why Ford stock is hitting a 52-week low. I thought the cause might be a Ford truck that dodged an FBI sniper bullet in the Finicum trial, but it’s a Dodge.

Reviewing the video the shooting, the Oregon State Police (OSP) ordered LeVoy Finicum’s party out of the truck at a particular location near the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Finicum keeps shouting,

Go ahead and shoot me.”


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Carter Page: Redacted and Divided

*The redacted version of the Carter Page FISA application is out.

The kernel of the evil seed has sprouted, as we have former lawmen use the term “FISA debacle” to describe the process only active FBI agents, four Republican judges on the FISA panel, and DOJ officials know to be true. The alleged conspirators, or as the media calls them – collaborators: a news network (specific media have been able to cast doubt and attack the integrity and reputation of the FBI), the agents, the DOJ, attorneys for DOJ, the FISA judges, and the FISA judicial process.

Call our institutions, our Constitution and our legal process the swamp. Read and interpret the redacted pages of the FISA report to suit your fancy so your soapbox of judgment will determine your outcome, and if it does not go your way, there will be some left in the herd to manipulate.

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Pride and Pessimism – Welcome Back to Nixonian Times

I felt such excitement watching Olympic women, Kikkan Randall and Jessie Diggins, win the first ever cross-country gold medal for the USA.  To know there are men and women competing for the USA; men and women who understand the importance of teamwork who love representing America – is a welcome distraction from the chaos in Washington.

But after a night of excitement, I knew I could count on FOX “SPEWS” to bring me back to reality with a suggestion that  former US Army General Michael Flynn  withdraw his guilty plea on lying to the FBI. This was apparently based on a judge’s order for the Mueller Special Council to turn over any exculpatory evidence to attorneys representing General Flynn.

And just like that, my American Olympic bliss was met by Shepard Smith’s judgmental stare.

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Don’t Putin a President

MIAMI — Why are we twisting the meaning of an independent counsel?

Robert Mueller, a registered Republican, has the reputation of having unwavering morality and being experienced, fair, responsible, tight-lipped, and dutiful. There won’t be trumped up charges or fabricated evidence if there is nothing there. The innocent will go free. Let the investigation run its course without any hullabaloo or character assassinations. Anyone that believes external forces have backed off bots or intelligence gathering against America’s democracy, doesn’t live in truth.  

Robert Mueller
Special Counsel Robert Mueller

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Land of Shit House Opportunity

MIAMI — Don’t get lost in the media buzz. Several friends have identified places in the US where they grew up as shitholes. The issue raised is not shithole or shithouse in describing countries or locations. Several come to mind. One issue is the concept of restricting opportunity as described in our Constitution. The other issue is the dishonesty that grew from the DACA meeting. Let’s summarize what’s been done or said.

Last Thursday morning, the president summoned Senators Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin, thinking the immigration bill proposed by Graham, Durbin, Flake, Menendez, Bennet and Gardner would be signed. Reports say advisors told the president that his base could be upset so he extended the invitation to Sens. Cotton, Perdue, Goodlatte and McCarthy.

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