*As someone with a well known reputation as being an avid Trump supporter in my building, and in my neighborhood on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, I have come under attack with some frequency from Trump haters, and the tone has been more civil than it might otherwise be, given my also known reputation to speak from the diaphragm with lots and lots of facts, and my absolute willingness to get mean if treated meanly.
Indeed, I am happy to reveal a razor sharp tongue to those who seek to shout me down with that nasty brand of viciousness so common among those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), and I win every damn time. I also was physically attacked by one man in the neighborhood, once, and he went from a hospital bed straight to a jail cell. He now steers very clear of me here in the ‘hood. Seriously, I am not to be touched, at all, ever. There are some who know of this altercation, word spread a bit, and deference ensued among insiders.
As we face this COVID 19 infectious disease, however, the tone has changed for those who have chosen to attack more vehemently. I have been lashed out at a handful of times. Words like “this is going to do him in, mister, and only fools still support him” and “I hate this president, and any sane person would too” have been hurled in my direction, uttered very loudly. Keep Reading